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Latest Home Office Information

The Community Engagement Fund is a £150,000 grant fund to support grassroots and community groups to engage communities and raise awareness of priority Home Office policy areas and the support available. The fund is offered by the Home Office.

The grant fund for 2022 to 2023 focuses on continuing to support communities from the Windrush generation.

The purpose of the Community Engagement Fund 2022 to 2023 is to:

1. Raise awareness of the Windrush Compensation and Windrush Documentation Schemes with a focus on non-Caribbean communities and encourage them to apply to these Schemes.


2. Build on the insights and learning taken from our existing work on Windrush (for example the Windrush Community Fund and Windrush national communications campaigns) to understand:

why individuals are not applying for the Windrush Compensation Scheme and/or the Windrush Scheme (Documentation)

how to encourage eligible individuals to apply to these schemes

The Community Engagement Fund 2022 to 2023 is now open for applications and completed applications must be returned to windrushengagement@homeoffice.gov.uk by Friday 21 October.

The guidance notes provide further information to assist with applications.

Information sessions will be held for community and grassroots organisations who want to learn more about the fund and how to submit an application. These virtual sessions will be held on Thursday 22 September from 11am to 1pm and Thursday 29 September from 3pm to 5pm. Further information is available in the guidance notes. (Please note you need only attend one of these sessions.)

Published 20 September 2022

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